Since this tools has two parts, the UI and the backend, you have to install both. For the backend, you have to pull the project from:
to start the backend use the following command in the project fetched:
mvn clean install
By default, the backend will start on port 8080.
and the templates used by the project are created in /opt/rsp-generator/mustache/
For the UI, you have to pull the project from:
There are few environment variables that you have to set in the .env file : RSP_API_URL=http://localhost:8082/rsp-generator SCHEMATRON_API_URL= SCHEMATRON_VALIDATOR=DRE-ES; mustache.template.path=/opt/rsp-generator/mustache/
Name | Description | Value Example |
RSP_API_URL | Path to the back end endpoint | http://localhost:8080/rsp-generator |
SCHEMATRON_API_URL | Path to Schemetatron validator api | https://localhost/SchematronValidator-ejb/SchematronValidatorService/SchematronValidator?wsdl |
SCHEMATRON_VALIDATOR | Name of the schematron who validate | http://localhost:8080/rsp-generator |
to start the UI use the following command in the project fetched:
npm install
npm run dev
the UI will start on port 3000.
to access the UI, you have to go to http://localhost:3000/rsp-generator-ui